Renting the Budvar Beerhouse Lounge Bar
Oddělený salonek Pivnice Budvar je vhodný pro uspořádání tiskových konferencí, firemních setkání, prezentací, rodinných oslav, promocí, menších svatebních hostin s uceleným gastronomickým servisem formou coffee breaku a slavnostních menu dle individuálních požadavků. Salonek má samostatný vchod, WC a šatnu.
We Offer
- Czech and international cuisine
- Large selection of meals
- Quality service throughout the event duration
- Private car parking
- Providing additional service (music, flowers)
Room Capacity
Table arrangement
Maximum capacity
20 spaces
Room size
Budvar Beerhouse lounge bar
39,6 m2
Prices including VAT.
Renting the lounge bar
300 – 600 CZK / 1 hour
Particular facility rent is calculated according to the length of the event and complementary service.
Loan Prices
(must be ordered 2 working days beforehand at the latest)
TV set
300 CZK / loan
CD player stereo
300 CZK / loan
flipchart + markers
100 CZK / loan
projection screen
100 CZK / loan
data projector, overhead,…
Rough price list of light refreshment
(must be ordered 24 hours before the event at the latest)
Open sandwiches
20 CZK/pc
Mini open sandwiches
12 CZK/pc
10 – 30 CZK/pc
25 – 35 CZK/pc